Borrow Smarter

New Vehicle Loans

  • Flexible Terms
  • No Payments for 90 Days
  • Up to 120% LTV

Enjoy that new savings smell.

When you're in the market to purchase a new car, truck or SUV, we're in a position to help you save. Our loans for new vehicles are ideal for your next purchase. We make the process as simple and stress-free as possible so you can get on the road quicker.

Benefits of an Auto Loan

  • No application fees or prepayment penalties
  • We'll take off an additional 0.50% on your approved rate when you finance your hybrid or electric vehicle 
  • Sign your loan documents from your computer, tablet, or smartphone for faster funding
  • If you're not sure which vehicle is right for you, tap into our Car Buying Services to research and locate the vehicle you want
  • And after you've closed the deal, protect yourself with GAP insurance and mechanical breakdown coverage, at costs much lower than you'll find at the dealership

Plus, when you get your auto loan through us, we'll award you 2,500 APEX Rewards Points